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Introduction to RAC

Introduction to RAC

What is Refrigeration?

"It is process to maintain the lower temperature then surronding by works on a cycle."

What is Refrigerant?

"It is a substance which is used to producing lower temperature."
For Example:- NH3, R-22, R-134a, Ammonia, etc.

What is Refigeration Effect(RE) ?

"It is amount of heat is extracted from the system to maintain the lower temperature in the system.




Loops:- This is a function called loop which is used to run a code or program a number of times or you can also run the program to infinite times, like if you wants to run a code of print the counting from 1 to infinty on the webpage, it can run the program from 1 to the infinite. These are of three types:- For loop, While loop and Do while loop.
Here is the syntax for the use of loops in Javascript program:-

Else If Statement

Else If Statement

Else If Statement:- In the javascript program, if you want to run the program which have more than two condition like an example of program shown below, you can use the else if statement in the program of javascript. This statement is very powergul so you can give the hundredsof condistions by using this statement. Below a syntax is shown which means how to use the else if statement in thw program.

Lets check how its work in the program:-